WE ARE GOLDEN – MIKA (Music Video Review) #MikaWeek

ABOUT: The video features Mika dancing around a bedroom in his underwear as a “celebration of all the years Mika spent dancing around his bedroom as a teenager.”

ALBUM: The boy who knew too much

YEAR: 2009

DIRECTOR:  Jonas Åkerlund.



While this video will probably appear a bit unsettling to some people; considering the amount of skin Mika showed us #NotComplaining; I still believe this is one of Mika’s most original music videos; and I’m not just saying that because its my jam.

The setting is relatable and just messy enough to actually be considered attractive.

Then again, that’s pretty much the story for most of Mika’s music videos…

A beautiful performance for an equally beautiful artist.

RATING – 7.2/10



To watch the video, click HERE or simply play the link above the review

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