Tag Archives:  Hollywood

Movie/TV Highlights of 2015


Originally published on ‘MyMindSnaps‘ and written by Deola, this comprehensive review, gives a lengthy but beautiful showing of everything 2015 had to offer us… TV and Movie wise, of course…


My TV and Movie Highlights of 2015 (By Deola)

DISCLAIMER: The following article contains spoilers from TV Shows and Movies. So if you detest spoilers, then I suggest you leave while you can. If you don’t mind spoilers, well feel free to enjoy, read on and lets ki-ki.

My apologies for my unannounced absence; I have really missed you guys these past few weeks. In that time though, a shitload of things have happened. A lot of shows went on hiatus, and new shows for the New Year were announced. Award shows announced their nominations, and of course I have a lot to say about that. But seeing as it’s the end of the year, I’d like to also celebrate what has been a wonderful year in TV and Movies. This will be split in two sections, TV and Movies. So let’s dig in!

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